
7 Questions to Ask an Accountant Before You Hire Them

Nothing is more important than the relationship between yourself and your accountant. You want to feel like you are being listened to and that they have your interests at heart. In the interview these questions might act as a guide for the conversation, but also trust your gut instinct to feel out whether there is [...]

When do I know I’m ready to hire accountant?

As your company grows, and there is more demand for your time during your working day, you may find you need the support of an accountant. For sure, you can do your own accounting for your small business, many owners do just that. But maybe business owners often say that they wish they made the [...]

How do I hire a small business accountant?

To find and hire the right small business accountant, consider these 5 steps; Identify your needs. The first step in hiring an accountant is identifying what level of financial help you needDo you need full-time or part-time accounting?Post a job, ask a friend, post in FB groups, and ask around your network circlesPrepare interview questions [...]

Do I need an accountant for my small business Canada?

Many small businesses prefer to have an accountant or other certified tax preparer complete their Canadian income tax returns. Using an Accountant to prepare your income tax returns in Canada can help alleviate a lot of stress and time on the part of the business owner. Part of running a successful business is knowing how Canadian income [...]

How do I file my taxes?

We direct you to the Canada Revenue website which is a great resource for information on how to file your own taxes. File your taxes online or by paper, or find other options to have someone else complete them for you: Certified tax software (electronic filing)Authorize a representative.Community volunteer tax clinic.Discounter (tax preparer)Paper tax return.Automated [...]

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